Student Prospectus
Day Students Only
A student who intends to be a day student must return to school with the following compulsory items:
- Complete set of school uniforms.See section on school uniform for details
- Class locker with padlock
- Excercise books for all subjects offered
- Compulsory English and Maths text books
Boarding Students Only
A student who intends to be a boarder is to return to the boarding house with the following compulsory items:
- Complete set of school uniforms.See section on school uniform for details
- Class locker with padlock
- Dormitory locker with padlock
- 2 cutlasses for boys and girls
- 2 big sized brooms for boys and girls (termly requiurement)
- 1 weeding hoe for girls only
- A set of cutleries: knife, fork, spoons and drinking cup
- 1 flat plate (aluminium/silver)
- 1 soup/bowl plate (aluminium/silver)
- 1 bucket
- 1 plastic water jar (preferrably 10litres)
- 1 mattress (student size) and pillow
- 2 white bed sheets; 2 white pillow cases
- 2 skyblue bed sheets; 2 skyblue pillow cases
- 1 blanket; 1 loin cloth
- 1 mosquito net
- 1 towel; 1 soap dish; 1 bathing sponge
- 1 battery lamp (preferrably recharcheable)
- 1 box iron - with some charcoal (optional requirement)
- 1 dettol
- 1 Revised Standard Bible
- Jik (1 litre volume)
- Izal (1 litre volume)
- N1,000 (House Dues)
- N1,000 (Termly hair cut levy)
NOTE: Izal, Jik and House Dues is to be handed over to the boarding officer for collective school use while other items is for the student's personal use.
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